Thursday, May 20, 2010

The language of intuition

The question/concern of communication has arisen lately, prompted by my own investigations in to the way in which I interact with the world, and in discussion with friends.

Firstly, I am becoming more and more comfortable, and accepting of my particular mode of relating to the external world. It seems to me that I experience things predominantly through an intuitive awareness of the wider picture and of subtle internal impressions. I also see that this does not exclude focused awareness, it is simply one aspect of the bigger picture. It is within the larger context that these specifics arise. Focus is contained within the broader picture.

And related to that, I am seeing more clearly the way in which I regularly impede, judge, suppress, and neglect what feels most natural to me out of out insecurities related to the way I perceive (most often mistakenly) others perceptions of myself.

As much as we try to do otherwise, we put others in boxes and relate to them accordingly. This tendency is also expressed in putting ourselves in boxes and behaving accordingly or adopting others definitions of ourselves.

Becoming true in our most natural, organic way of being allows us to communicate freely. This is not something that needs to be developed, but something that is revealed when shaken free from uncertainty, a lack of trust, judgementalism, perfectionism, fear of what others think, buying into your own/others narrow definitions, etc.

As for the mode of communication, when trust and humility are present the mode is taken care of. A redefinition of communication is necessary for any harmony to exist between all beings. I am not one to make that definition. It is defined by each individual according what comes most naturally to them, and this definition is experienced, not thought.

Instead of filling the gaps with languaging, find the essence of that which communication arises from. The desire itself to share and harmonise with another is more pure, is more direct, is more clearly intuited by the other then any amount of words that are used in it's service. As I said, communication is an act of sharing, and an act of harmonisation. It is the acknowledgement of "Yes, we are connected. We are completely the same."

For some, when connected to that natural impulse to share and harmonise, words arise on their own. For others, silence is most natural. For others, kinetic movement, tactile sensations, music, sounds, colours, chants, shapes, prayer are the most immediate and true response.

Personally, true communication does not arise out of a train of thought, but is the closest approximation - in the mode that is most natural to me - of what my direct, immediate experience tells me.

If you were to ask me to clarify what I am saying here, I might just contradict myself. It does not seems necessary to me to hang on to a train of thought that has already arisen, turn it into something solid and logical and try to defend it. It has already passed, and the best I can do is speak from my immediate experience that may be something different from that which gave birth to my previous words. (Hence my miniscule collection of posts, and the reason that 50% of it is poetry. I simply find it difficult to gather up a collection of thoughts that really state anything substantial to me. In contrast to that, I am also learning that communication is a free thing, and one should simply throw themselves at it, as a long as one does not get caught up in/or start identifying with it.)

Any questions? :)

For now, I set the intention to trust myself to a greater degree. And more importantly I set the intention to be more receptive, accepting, and accommodating of others modes of communication, and try to whatever degree I can to intuit via mindfulness the ways in which the people I interact with express their natural inclination to share.

Friday, March 12, 2010

Above all else

Above all else,
It is the unknown I love.
Above all else,
I slink in softly illuminated places,
Alone. And above all else.
I take what arises in me;
My crushing sorrows,
The ecstatic restless longing
And offer it up.
Streamers of many colours!

Broken, and in Joy. Above all else.
It is the unknown I love.

I trust it,
Like the love that holds it.
I hold it dear
As it holds me.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Autumn turning

Hushed into the dimming light,
Nostalgia speaks of longing bright.
Lovingly the soul does turn,
Of softest glow the fires burn.
As all the world grows dark and narrow,
I thread a blanket of bone and marrow.
"Oh heart of mine do keep me warm,
Or else all I give is old and worn."

Saturday, December 19, 2009

The gentle momentum of the village...

Having space to be without so many worldly distractions is a very valuable thing. The relationship with oneself becomes more genuine and simple, and with this comes the finer subtleties of the movements of the ego and the spirit. I not making any claims on my abilities of discernment, but being here it just makes it a bit easier, where ever I might be in my evolution

I like having wooden floors, it makes things feel more genuine and simple. I like how it sounds under my feet. I like my cushion sitting by itself, I like my shoes sitting by themselves. There is a need to have more things, things to make music with, things to hang on the walls, things to store things in, but the need has yet to be strong enough. I like the soft light dancing in the curtains and splaying across the floor. It is good to be with little.

In the village, the relationship with the world is thoughtful and appreciative. No one is too caught up in the world. It makes for a mature outlook. I am grateful for the friendship, people who are always receptive to the needs of each other, both practical and spiritual. It is good to hear drums outside in the sun, the ranting of the rooster from next door, and feeling everyone's shifting and distinct glow each day.

I don't know my role here yet, I try to make the most of this space and it's supportive nature to engage in my practice and work through my resistances. I would like to contribute in more practical ways, and I will see what I can do as time goes by.

There is a strong movement towards creativity. I am learning to stop waiting for inspiration. Still, as always, I feel a bit directionless. Having the space just live in a simple way - without less of the friction of the worlds unnecessary momentum - makes it easier to see the stirrings of the heart as they arise.

I try to sort my priorities, but I always find myself too interested in what is going on around me as it arises, it seems even where there are fewer distractions, the mind gravitates towards anything it can hang on to. Perhaps I need to withdraw my energy more so, and direct it to what my gifts quietly ask of me.

Music and images are greeting me in the morning, asking for a worldly voice. Their momentum is increasing.